Bringing Your Ideas to Life with Stunning Visuals


VFX and compositing
Essential elements of visual storytelling that create stunning and realistic effects to enhance audience engagement. Our in-house VFX and compositing services combine technical expertise with creative vision and attention to detail to make your project stand out.
motion graphics
Powerful tool for visual storytelling that combines graphic design, animation, and sound to create compelling and engaging visuals. Our in-house motion graphics design services can help bring your project to life, from logo animations to title sequences, lower thirds, and more.

timelapse photography
Unique and captivating way to showcase the passage of time and the beauty of landscapes, cities, and events. Our timelapse photography services capture stunning footage that can add a dynamic and engaging element to your project, whether it's a movie, TV show, or corporate video.

As a freelance video editor, motion graphics designer, VFX artist, and timelapse photographer with over 15 years of experience in the industry, Onn Henner specializes in developing creative concepts for TV shows, corporate videos, events, and movies. His expertise extends to VFX and compositing, where he creates seamless and realistic effects that enhance the visual storytelling.
Onn's passion for visual storytelling is evident in his work, which combines technical excellence with a deep understanding of storytelling and audience engagement. He is committed to collaborating closely with his clients to bring their ideas to life in a way that exceeds their expectations.
Whether you're looking to create a visually stunning movie, an engaging TV show, or a captivating corporate video, Onn's in-house services cover every aspect of the creative process, from concept development to post-production. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence, he provides a complete range of services that enable you to unleash your creative vision and connect with your audience on a deeper level.